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The Breathing Science Journal is pleased to offer you an eye-opening 10-hour on-line course based on the book, CapnoLearning: An Introductory Guide authored by Peter M Litchfield and Sandra Reamer. Learn all about breathing habits, optimal respiration, and acid-base physiology from a practical perspective, personal and professional.

Course fee: $199.00.

Buy the course and receive an electronic version of the book CapnoLearning: An Introductory Guide for free.

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Audio and video course


The authors read their book to you, 51 very short audio chapters, chapter by chapter. The course includes description of 14 practicums which are templates for designing solutions to your own and/or your client’s specific breathing challenges.

In a series of ten videos, the authors describe practical applications of CapnoLearning, ranging from pregnancy to performance.

The course includes a copy of the eBook.


After listening to each chapter as well as having watched the ten videos, you will immediately receive a Certificate of Attendance from us (Breathing Science, Inc.).


In addition you can earn 10 hours of Professional Continuing Education (CE) Credit and receive a Certificate of Completion and an Academic Transcript documenting your credit from the Professional School of Behavioral Health Sciences, a USA state licensed post-secondary professional school.  Earning this credit requires passing (minimum 70% score) a multiple-choice examination. Together with your Certificate of Attendance you will receive a link to the multiple-choice exam by email. Upon passing the exam you will receive another link by email that allows you to complete an on-line registration form and to make payment of a $50.00 tuition fee. Upon submission of the registration, you will immediately receive both the Certificate of Completion and an official transcript from the Professional School. If you fail the examination you may continue to take it until you pass.


CapnoLearning is best accomplished by using CapnoTrainer GO technology where the book practicums are built into the software (and for which there is a patent pending), but can also be accomplished with generic capnometers or to some extent even without accompanying technology. The practicum chapters in the book and the practical applications described in the videos refer specifically to CapnoTrainer GO technology manufactured by Better Physiology Ltd. (see picture, device weight and size: 180 grams, 9.7 cm x 7.6 cm x 3.2 cm).

You may be wondering, “can I benefit from the course without using technology?”  The answer, of course, is a resounding YES.  The ultimate objective of breathing behavior analysis work is NOT about learning to use technology for manipulating breathing with physical techniques, i.e., an outside-in paradigm, but rather it is about learning new breathing habits that automatically optimize respiration, that is, aligning breathing with respiration based on the principles of self-regulation, an inside-out paradigm.  The CapnoTrainer GO technology is a powerful tool for making this transition from an outside-in to an inside-out paradigm, that is, for identifying existing habits and learning new ones.

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